Individuals who experience from serious the decrease in listening to are the ones who need to be yelled at. You are considered to be hard of hearing if you experience from serious and powerful decrease in listening to. It can present as mild or severe, but it is always permanent.
The affected person will also try to speak loudly every time since he won't be able to hear himself if he speaks normally. You can learn basic sign language to communicate with the deaf. Drugs: Usage of antibiotics especially anti-inflammatory and chemotherapy drugs can cause damage to the cochlea which is a structure in the inner ear.

The other type of deafness i.e. conductive Hearing Loss is much more common. Contact a hearing specialist for an exam and hearing assessment right away. These tools are important when you have a colleague or a synapse xt fellow student who has a hearing problem. Syphilis, if undiscovered and left untreated, can result in severe hearing loss.