FAEEN Meeting 2019
Sollentuna, Sweden oct 3-5

Welcome to FAEEN 2020 Digital Meeting!
This year's FAEEN meeting will take place 23rd to 25th of September as a digital meeting. We look forward to seeing you online and welcome to this new way of joining a FAEEN annual meeting!
Program in short (times in CEST)
Wednesday 23rd of September
09:00 Technical check-in (all participants connect to the meeting
09:30 Opening ceremony
10:00 Workshops
11:45 Workshops
12:30 Summery of the day
13:00 End of Day 1
Thursday 24th of September
09:00 Technical check-in (all participants connect to the meeting
09:30 Welcome to Day 2
10:00 Basic Training in PFA (psychological first aid) for COVID 19/ By Pernille Hansen, PSS delegate, Danish Red Cross
Learn how to support people in distress because of the COVID-19 outbreak
Pernille Hansen will take us through the newest training developed by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support.
You will get an introduction to what psychological first aid is; an exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in the local context; expected reactions to the impact; how to help people in distress (PFA); and self-care.
After the training you will know both how to support people in distress, and to use the training material to train others.
The training is based on the knowledge of the Reference Centre, and uses the approach recommended by WHO of following the LOOK, LISTEN and LINK action principles.
13:00 End of Day 2
Friday 25th of September
09:00 Technical check-in (all participants connect to the meeting
09:30 Welcome to Day 3
10:00 Keynote speaker CBHFA
11:45 Digital meetings in the future
12:30 Voting and Closing ceremony
13:00 End of Day 3
The meeting will take place in Zoom.
The webpage will be updated continuously with more information about the topics.
If you have any questions, please contact faeensc@gmail.com