FAEEN Meeting 2019
Sollentuna, Sweden oct 3-5

FAEEN Meeting 2019
Sollentuna, Sweden oct 3-5
Welcome to 2019 meeting of FAEEN in Sollentuna, Sweden
The Swedish National Society of Red Cross is happy to welcome you to Sollentuna for the 2019 meeting of FAEEN! We are looking forward to a meeting with focus on first aid education and the importance of the work that we all do.
Together with the Steering Committee we have decided to focus the meeting on three main topics - EMPOWERMENT, METHODOLOGY and EVALUATION. We will have a program filled with presentations, workshops and discussions. Our intention is to provide a programme that will inspire all of us to further development of the work that we do. Consequently, the overall theme for the meeting is "First aid education - a tool for empowerment!".
We have the intention to expand the learning experience that we hope to provide. Therefore, we will host a webinar prior to the meeting so that you will have a chance to prepare yourself for the meeting. In addition, we are also planning on hosting a webinar after the meeting so that you will have a chance for a follow-up discussion and reduce the learning decay.
The meeting will take place at Hotel Scandic Star in Sollentuna just north of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. You will find all the necessary information here on the website. If you have any questions we are happy to assist.
Once again, welcome to Sollentuna, Sweden in October for the annual FAEEN Meeting! We would love to see you here!